Prayer Request Form

Hello, we welcome you all. We at GBBC value and believe in the power of Prayer. For we believe in what Jesus taught in Matt 21:22 "Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive." Whatever you are need of praying we love the serve and pray with you. This will also allow us to stay in contact with you and update you will news about our church if you so wish it.

Prayer Request Board


Please pray for the healing of Charlie's mental illness. Thank you.


Heavenly Father, Please fill me with Your life, love and presence. Please surround me with Your peace. Please heal me from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. Please release me from all vestiges of the past and fill me with optimism for the future. I ask this in Jesus's holy name. Thank you, amen


PLEASE HELP US!! PLEASE PRAY FOR ME AND MY HOUSE-EVERYONE OF US!! I have sent prayers agaisnt the abortion uproar and I need prayers for myself and my house of Me, Caleb, Lemuel and Davia, Paulette-Maria ,Joy and Sarah, Hannah, Christine, Rachel, Carolyn, Miriam ,Tianne and Lemuel. We all need great prayers esp Miriam to fear the LORD greatly and to stop using Idle word and rebellion and disobedience and self-will. Joy and Sarah also need to repent of sins before the Lord as well as others. Please keep us in continued prayers day and night for us to overcome and all souls fully preserved been delivered from our enemies and the hands of those who hate us and we love god most pasionately and want o keep all His commands as He wills.


Please pray for the healing of my psychosis/schizophrenia illness. Thank you.


Prayer Confidential